intuitive eating

Snacks 101: How To Build A Snack + Ideas

Do you eat snacks?

Everyday? Once a day? Four times a day? Only some days?

Do you ever get bored of the snacks that you eat or struggle to find a satisfying combo?

I’ve got you covered. Read on.

Snacks are a very normal and natural part of eating. Going long periods of time without eating is not ideal for our bodies. It can leave us feeling fatigued, we might start to lose focus, and ultimately it can lead us to then overeat once we get to our next meal. This relates back to the idea of staying between about a 3 and an 8 on the hunger and fullness scale discussed in Intuitive Eating, which you can read my post about here.

I’m filing this blog post under “ED’s and Recovery”, but it’s applicable to everybody. Whether you are in eating disorder recovery or not, your body needs an appropriate amount of fuel and nourishment, and snacks help to provide that.

When “building” a snack…

I like to advise having at least two different foods groups. This will help to ensure that you’re having a variety of nutrients, and therefore a more satisfying and nourishing snack.

For example, if you eat an apple all on its own, you will likely feel hungry again shortly after. If you pair it with a source of protein or fat, such as a cheese stick or nut butter, that snack will keep you going longer.

The overall size of your snack will depend on a number of different things.


  • your hunger level 🍔

  • your individual energy needs 🔥

  • your activity level for the day 💪🏼

  • how long it might be until your next meal 🕓

For somebody in the midst of eating disorder recovery, guidelines from a professional (i.e. your Dietitian) must also be considered.

Portions of the foods that you decide to eat can easily be adjusted, or you can add an extra food group if needed, to satisfy your needs. For example, you might have an apple with peanut butter AND a glass of milk, or instead of only 2 graham cracker sheets with peanut butter, you have 3.

The list of food and drink options to have at snacks is essentially endless. It’s fun to get creative and try new foods or new combinations!

Below is a guide that breaks down different snack foods by the nutrients they contain. This way, by selecting your snack food pairing from at least two different categories, you know you’ll be getting a variety of satisfying nutrients.


by picking one item from 2-3 different sections

Before i get into yummy snack combos, a few things to note:

now, a ton more combination ideas to level up your snack game!

The first list is more simple, and the second list has ideas that are a little bit more complex and creative.

and check out these resources for more ideas and strategies!

do Any of those sound good? 🤓

If you need further explanation or clarification on anything in this post, don’t hesitate to contact me!

Now leave a comment on this post and tell me…

What is your favorite snack?

Effects of Malnutrition

Today starts National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, 2019.

Eating disorders are such complex illnesses that involve a multitude of factors. The side effects and conditions that often come with these disorders range from anxiety to depression to malnutrition to amenorrhea to negative body image and low self-esteem to suicidal thoughts… and that list is just getting started.

Today I want to talk about some of the effects that an individual may experience due to the lack of nourishment that comes from an eating disorder. Not only does malnutrition cause physical effects and changes, but the brain is also being deprived, causing numerous mental and emotional responses as well.

This list is not all encompassing, but I hope it begins to give you a sense of the severity eating disorders involve.

1. Cognitive capacity.

Eating disorders and malnourishment have a profound effect on cognitive function. The ability to concentrate, focus, and process information dramatically declines as health deteriorates. Individuals are often irritable, apathetic, and very disengaged from life. All of their thoughts are focused around food, eating, how not to eat, exercising, and weight, and this doesn’t leave room for normal thinking. The body and brain need food to survive, so thinking about and seeking it at times is a means of survival.

2. Hair, skin, and nails.

Without proper nutrients and hydration, the body is not getting enough vitamins and minerals to transport to all of our different tissues. Hair starts to fall out and lose its shine, nails become brittle, and skin becomes dry and cracked. The body is using any nutrition that it does have to try and keep vital organs working, leaving these other bodily processes incomplete. Very fine, light hair, called lanugo, begins to grow all over the body as a means of insulation because fat stores are being depleted.

3. Organ damage.

A lack of nutrition has an effect on all of our organs—heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, etc. As the body slows its processes in an attempt to conserve energy, heart rate decreases, blood pressure decreases, and irregular heart rhythms may occur. Nausea, dizziness, and fainting are common. The body has a difficult time staying warm, resulting in the lanugo I mentioned earlier. Dehydration can be especially damaging to our kidneys, and after too much strain on any organ, it will lead to failure.

4. Decreased white blood cell count.

Without sufficient energy intake, the body cannot sustain normal bone marrow function. A low white blood cell count makes an individual more susceptible to disease and infection, and a malnourished body will have a difficult time fighting that off. Red blood cells are also affected, often leading to anemia.

5. Osteoporosis, stunted growth and/or development, and other conditions.

Insufficient nutrient intake and/or absorption will lead to deficiencies and subsequent conditions. Bones become hollow and brittle when calcium and vitamin D levels are low. The body will actually begin to breakdown muscles and organs to use as energy when there is no supply coming in. In a teen or individual that is still growing, their growth can be very stunted or delayed, temporarily or permanently.

6. Hypothalamic amenorrhea and infertility.

Females often stop menstruating when the body is becoming malnourished and under a significant amount of stress. Estrogen levels drop, which can lead to night sweats, loss of sleep, irritability, and increased depletion of calcium from bones. This hormonal imbalance can have lasting consequences.

7. Suffering relationships and social life.

Eating disorders don’t only affect the individual suffering, but those around them as well. Relationships suffer as a person becomes withdrawn and uninterested. Eating disorders want to be alone and isolated, so individuals avoid social affairs and experiences. A serious lack of energy also contributes to extreme fatigue and lethargy.

8. Death.

Ultimately, eating disorders can and will lead to death if left untreated. Somebody dies every 62 minutes as a direct result of an eating disorder, and anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. (1) Too many people are left suffering and without treatment, and too many precious lives are taken by these fatal diseases.

All of these effects are real, possible, and, unfortunately, common. The good news, however, is that many of them can be reversed or improved with proper treatment and restoration. Brain fog can go away, hair can grow and be shiny again, growth and development can resume, menstruation can return and a woman can conceive, and relationships can be healed and restored.  

Something that is very important to note:

An individual does not have to be “underweight” or look malnourished to be suffering the consequences. Eating disorders do not discriminate; they affect men and women of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds.

Help is available. You are worthy of getting the help you need. Please reach out if you are struggling. Send me a message or use one of the support resources below. 

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Here’s a screening tool to help determine if professional help may be needed.

If you’re fighting, stay strong. If it’s a loved one, support them. There are resources from the National Eating Disorders Association on how to navigate this slippery slope: I’m linking a brochure here.

Recovery is possible, and I promise it’s worth the hard work.

Love to you. xox